The last edition of the Handbook was published in 1994 and like all the earlier
editions, it aimed to provide a practical reference book for all those involved
in making castings in any of the commonly used alloys by any of the usual
moulding methods. In order to keep the Handbook to a reasonable size, it was
not possible to deal with all the common casting alloys in detail. Since 1994
the technology of casting has continued to develop and has become more
specialised so that it has been decided to publish the 11th edition of the
Handbook in three separate volumes:
Non-ferrous dealing with aluminium, copper and magnesium casting
Iron dealing with grey, ductile and special purpose cast
Steel dealing with carbon, low alloy and high alloy steels
Certain chapters (with slight modifications) are common to all three
volumes: these chapters include tables and general data, sands and sand
bonding systems, resin bonded sand, sodium silicate bonded sand and
feeding systems. The remaining chapters have been written specifically for
each volume.
The Handbook refers to many Foseco products. Not all of the products are
available in every country and in a few cases, product names may vary.
Users should always contact their local Foseco company to check whether a
particular product or its equivalent is available.
The Foseco logo and all product names appearing in capital letters are
trademarks of the Foseco group of companies, used under licence.