It is less than five years since the last edition of
Modern Physical Metallurgy was enlarged to include
the related subject of Materials Science and Engineering,
appearing under the title Metals and Materials:
Science, Processes, Applications. In its revised
approach, it covered a wider range of metals and
alloys and included ceramics and glasses, polymers
and composites, modern alloys and surface engineering.
Each of these additional subject areas was treated
on an individual basis as well as against unifying
background theories of structure, kinetics and phase
transformations, defects and materials characterization.
In the relatively short period of time since that
previous edition, there have been notable advances
in the materials science and engineering of biomaterials
and sports equipment. Two new chapters have
now been devoted to these topics. The subject of
biomaterials concerns the science and application of
materials that must function effectively and reliably
whilst in contact with living tissue; these vital materials
feature increasingly in modern surgery, medicine
and dentistry. Materials developed for sports equipment
must take into account the demands peculiar
to each sport. In the process of writing these additional
chapters, we became increasingly conscious
that engineering aspects of the book were coming
more and more into prominence. A new form of
title was deemed appropriate. Finally, we decided
to combine the phrase ‘physical metallurgy’, which
expresses a sense of continuity with earlier editions,
directly with ‘materials engineering’ in the
book’s title.
Overall, as in the previous edition, the book aims to
present the science of materials in a relatively concise
form and to lead naturally into an explanation of the
ways in which various important materials are processed
and applied. We have sought to provide a useful
survey of key materials and their interrelations, emphasizing,
wherever possible, the underlying scientific and
engineering principles. Throughout we have indicated
the manner in which powerful tools of characterization,
such as optical and electron microscopy, X-ray
diffraction, etc. are used to elucidate the vital relations
between the structure of a material and its mechanical,
physical and/or chemical properties. Control of the
microstructure/property relation recurs as a vital theme
during the actual processing of metals, ceramics and
polymers; production procedures for ostensibly dissimilar
materials frequently share common principles.
We have continued to try and make the subject
area accessible to a wide range of readers. Sufficient
background and theory is provided to assist students
in answering questions over a large part of a typical
Degree course in materials science and engineering.
Some sections provide a background or point of entry
for research studies at postgraduate level. For the more
general reader, the book should serve as a useful
introduction or occasional reference on the myriad
ways in which materials are utilized. We hope that
we have succeeded in conveying the excitement of
the atmosphere in which a life-altering range of new
materials is being conceived and developed.
R. E. Smallman
R. J. Bishop